Ujian Akhir Semester

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Paling Lambat di-submit tanggal 09 Januari 2009

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immo said...

14 071024014 Andriani Setyaning Hutami

subject I choose and why did choose it :
Subject I choose, because, innovation is easy material for me. I think,I can to do everything about innovation for learning, because all people in a education of technology must wanna be innovation people,we demanding for that.
Innovation is a some idea, something, creation, method can feels or looks like a new something from a someone or a community, can shaped like a result of Invention and discovery, to get a purpose or to analyze about something problem,and more important for learning and education. So, for me Innovation is a new idea from some people from it self.

what problem did I face :
I think, I can’t to find to point of invention effect in assignment. It's hard to find suitable invention for learning or education. So, I not yet find that solution. Therefor, invention demanding us to be more creative, and it's difficult to do that. It's just invention only,but I feel innovation and diffusion more difficult specially for use as application. Then, theory itself it's very satisfying.

easily find the point of the material :
Educational Innovations is a innovation in education or innovation from analyze problem to education.
Education is a system , so education of innovation compare with component education system.

Anonymous said...

NIM : 081024246


In this 2009, I imagine Indonesia as country on nation state is awaking from economic crisis, social cultural turbulence. Indonesian nation will be free from peasant and disaster that threat them.

So as good citizen of Indonesia, I have expectation Indonesian government will provide education widespread for Indonesian nation. The school will be developed every where then the Indonesian can enjoy the free change education to empower their life and nation life. But the reality tells us the other wise of the idea. The education tends to be the exclusive and expensive need as the global market flow to the world.
The quality of our education still not satisfy us as nation who want be the developed nation as well as the developed country such as USA, China, Japan and each other.

In this 2009 year is the political year since the national election both legislative election and presidential election will be held nearby April. I hope when the national election run, we as nation and state will not be attached by the social chaotic, run amuck that can spent the social, human cost from us.

We still have optimistic feel Indonesia is welfare country with potential human and natural resources belong to this country. When we can explore the wisely the will provide benefit to us.

Anonymous said...

18 081024018 Oki Nurhadi 2008 a

In 2009 i have some of whiser that i want to reach and there are long short timer, in last 2008 there were some that i think i reached and there wasn't too, so in this 2009 i want to reach what i'did not in 2008 last year.

In this 2008 in lesson course i felt satisfied enough, beside i could graduated from senior high school, and felt satisfied with my assighment score and in this 2009 i hope in second semester i could get score more than 3 and i will try by study hard at university and home.

Then in my life, my target in 2009 maybe not too high, i want my target in education course could be reach and my desease doesnt getting worse and my friendship become better and with my family too, and i hope in last year's holiday i can have holiday in the village and my effort i that i made with my friends could be improve

Moz said...

ini bukan tempat submit jawaban loh! klik kategori masing2...

Anonymous said...

22 071024022 WYTA SONIA PUTRI

I choose “Media Graphic “ as subject material which i choose for finished my English Application about everything which related to eduation.
If you tell me why i choose this material, i can say that departement of educational technology is so closed with media especially with learning medium. In a other way, a technolog like me must know all about curriculum, syllabus, etc. And,,i really really confused with this material. Fuuiihh,,in a fact, i know graphic media well to measure with all about curriculum material.
In depaterment of educational technology we must know about nine unsure for making a good media and arranging this media for students. Graphic as teaching media can combine the facts, ideas dearly and strong by combination between expressing of words and pictures. This substance must grow up the student’s imagination and great perception. And we can resolved the most subject problem in students, visual literacy.
Alhamdulillah, when i have done this assignment i don’t have any big problem or some trouble. Maybe the difficulties is when i must do this task in english. Hhehe.. And i know this material (graphic media) trully and deeply, so i can find yhe point of the material easily..

Anonymous said...

27 081024232 ESA PUSPITASARI

My wishes in 2009

In 2009 I want to be rather than 2008,last year is my history and experience.In this year I want to be closer to my god.I want to learn more a dult cause my age had increated.And I want to have many friends,cause if I have many friends.I will get many informations too.Skill is necessary to be in created cause forwardness of period skill is needed.I want in this year not only skill but also experiences in multy major are also necessary,cause experience is needed to go in a doelescent.I want to repair my last bad attitudes.I want to change it.I want to help each other,cause we don't life alone in this world.And don't forget too I want to make my parents to smile happily.
That only my wishes inthis year I wish my god give all that I hope..Amiiin!!

Anonymous said...


Last new year i went to malang.I celebrated the new year there with my family.And i hope in this new year i can be a better person.I want to get a high mark in this semester.I also want to make my parents prond of my marks.May all of my dreams come true in this year.And i can be more mature in making decision.Moreover,i also want to have many friends in college as in the senior high school.Next semester,i want to join UKM and i want to get an achievment.May all of my dreams come true in this year.And my parents pround of me and i am satiesfied with the result.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
I am sorry Mom, my name is Ulil Azmi TP 2008 A Girl. tadi pada pengiriman tugas UAS saya terdapat kesalahan dalam penulisan nya. huruf "i" kecil itu seharusnya "I" besar(saya). Dan belum sempat saya edit, sudah terkirim dulu. ada kesalahan klik yang asalnya edit teks tapi saya terlanjur mengklik preview. dan baru saat ini saya baru sempat merevisinya. sebenarnya pagi tadi saya sudah mengirim tugas saya, tapi tidak bisa terkirim karena salah dalam aturan pengirimannya. karena terburu-buru melakukan registrasi ke Ketintang, pulang dari sana saya langsung buru-buru kirim lagi. tapi waktu sholat Ashar telah tinggal sebentar. maka saya belum sempat merevisi ulang pada saat itu.Tapi saya telah mengirimkan perbaikannya. Miss Irine, I am sorry, I am Sorry, I am sorry, Miss. I hope u can forgive me. I am very confuse in now. I don't know how to repair my mistake. I am sorry Miss, I am sorry Miss, I am sorry Miss, I am sorry.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Coklad Keju said...

Morning, mam!
Mam, when u'll come back to indonesia?
Mam,ko betah banget dsna. . .
Cowoknya cakep" ia mam?
Kenalin satu boleh gagg,sekalian latihan ngmng inggrz ma bule bneran mam.

Moz said...

ah, qq bisa ajah, ntar lagih pulang kok, main2 ke kampus lidah yah ;) kan sy udah jadi bule, tinggal hair-dye nya yg nyusul :p

Anonymous said...

NIM : 071024006

English is one of the subject that I love, althought it is quite difficult for me. It is supported by the English lecture, Mrs. Irene who is patient and friendly. I often do not understand about the material she explained and also the assignment given. It is caused by the lecture’s voice that is not clear. My friends perceptions are also different, so that I got more confuse about the assignment that should be done.
Hopefully, after explaining the material, Mrs. Irene should see the students, do they understand or not ? She doesn’t need to ask them because I’m sure that they are afraid and do not want to ask about their confuse. On the other hand Mrs. Irene can see from the student’s expression, and the best way what should she do is repeat her explanation about the material given.

Anonymous said...

NIM : 071024006

I chose grafis media improvement subject especially part 1 about teaching media in the teaching and learning process because it is one of the teaching component that has an important role to improve the process of teaching and learning interaction.
Firstly I got confuse.
In doing the assignment of summary and review that is given by Mrs. Irene at the third semester because the different perceptions of my friends about what is the assignment and how to do it. However, after understanding, asking, and making the same perception with my friends, finally I understood that the assignment given is making summary and review about one of the part of certain subject.
In doing the assignment, review and summary, I couldn’t get the difficulties at all, directly I chose “The use of media in the teaching and learning process” in grafis media improvement subject, to find the material is not difficult too, because I can use the hand book created by Dr. Nana Sudjana and Drs. Ahmad Riski.

Anonymous said...


I chose grafis media improvement subject about the use of media in the teaching and learning process because it has the influence of the success in the teaching process.
I didn’t get the difficulties in doing the assignment from Mrs. Irene about review and summary. I just got the difficulties about what is the real assignment that should be done because I didn’t understand the explanation given by Mrs. Irene. The understanding of my friends are also different, so that I got confuse about the assignment.
To do the assignment of summary and review I just used the hand book “Media Pengajaran” created by Nana Sudjana. Because after learning it, I knew that it is so complete in telling about the use of media in the teaching and learning process.

Moz said...

comment di keterangan ini tidak akan dinilai dan akan dihapus...

Coklad Keju said...

Mam,keterangan nilai tugaznya kpn munculnya?

Moz said...

sabar dong.. ngumpulinnya ajah waktunya seminggu, masa nilainya muncul sehari.. kalo harus ngumpulinnya ajah berlama-lama.. kok penasaran bangeth mau tau nilainya? ga fair donk...

Anonymous said...

aku boleh ujian disini bu?

Anonymous said...

Bu, maafkan temenku, namakuananda itu sering gitu orangnya, iseng.
salam buat dosen TP Suroboyo

Moz said...

hehehe.. welcome bapak2 tamu.. temen p.alim pastinya yah.. :p

Anonymous said...

mam,nilai saya kok blm brbah di transkrip msh ttp sprti yang dl,klo bisa diganti scptnya biar ipk saya enak diliat gtu....